Math 158, LaTeX page

Math 158, Complex Analysis, LaTeX page


On Tuesday Jan 29 2013 from 5:30-6:30, I'll hold an introductory session on how to typeset mathematics in LaTeX. No prior knowledge required. Meet on 3rd floor of BP.

You should bring a laptop and you should download some software for LaTeX in advance. On a Mac, I recommend TeXShop. I've been told that Texmaker works for all platforms (PC, Mac, Linux) but I know less about it so you'll have to poke around a bit!

TeXShop installation for Mac, with compiler: click this link (MacTex) and follow instructions. Should take 4-8 mins if your internet connection is good.



Practice online at this LaTeX emulator

Simple math symbols: html, PDF, mega-PDF

Environments: wiki

TikZ: examples, small manual, big manual

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