Math 211, Fall 2015 |
Materials, resources, linksHere are the (rather minimalist) syllabus and the slides from the first lecture.The whole textbook is available free online. However, I really recommend that you purchase a physical copy. Here's my sheet of course highlights to help you while you're consolidating the material for the midterm.
Background/Prerequisites:Here is a colleague's list of prerequisites for working with our text. I'll go over some of this, but you should get very quickly up to speed on this material.(Links are offered with no warranty! Let me know about errors.)
AnnouncementsOur default meeting time is E+MW (Mon,Wed 10:30-11:45) with some use of Fridays (advertised in advance).Final Exam: Weds Dec 16, 3:30-5:30pm, usual classroom.
HomeworkDue Wednesdays at the beginning of class.
Note for #5: the gamma function is \(\Gamma(s)=\int_0^\infty e^{-t} t^{s-1}\, dt\). |