Current and Recent Courses
- Math 145, Abstract Algebra [web]
- STS 10, Reading Lab: Math Models in Social Context [web]
- Math 250, Geometric Literacy
- Topics have included: hyperbolic geometry, complex of curves, p-adics, nilpotent geometry, Gauss circle theorem, convex geometry, Lie groups
- Math 19, Math of Social Choice [web]
- Math 61, Discrete Math [web]
- Math 211, Graduate Real Analysis [web]
- Math 112, History of Math [web, [poster]
- Math 250, Teichmüller Theory (geometry of surfaces)
- Math 158, Complex Variables [web]
- Math 32-34, Calc I [web], Calc II [web]
Plus longer ago: Math for Elementary School Teachers, Differential Geometry, Graduate Topics: Fuchsian Groups, Linear Algebra with Proofs, etc.
- Some of my talks
- Work with teachers
- Educator Workshops through MGGG
- Work with pre-service teachers at UC Davis and U Michigan
- Work with in-service teachers at UChicago and Tufts
- Summer math programs you might want to visit
- I’m a huge fan of Canada/USA Mathcamp for high school students, where I used to visit and teach every summer before I started running my own summer programs more regularly. It has spun off the truly excellent Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics program, which is focused on cultivating talent in younger kids in New York and L.A. These programs are really worthy of your support!
- Super old teaching evals, for some reason